Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday: What I'm Reading (Jan. 25)

Another post in the What I'm Reading Monday challenge:

I spent the weekend in Kennesaw with my dad, so without the distractions of family and work, I finished a couple of books.

Finished: True Confections by Katharine Weber: I remember reading about her when she was named one of Granta's top US novelists younger than 40. Never mind that a few of them had not published novels, and that the list left off Michael Chabon. But we can't all be perfect.

Hespira: Another Matthew Hughes whimsy about a detective who's awaiting the end of the rational world and the takeover by magic. I had waited for this for months before Night Shade Books finally released it this month.

Reading now:

Metadata: Still reading this textbook for my class.

An Evil Guest: Again, I'm avoiding this one. I may skip over it again and read Generation A by Doug Coupland.

The Emperor's Children: I'm listening to this one on my MP3 player; the actress reading the book has some odd voices, particularly for the men.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great list! Sorry it took so long to get over here.