Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What I'm Reading Wednesdays: March 9

For WWW Wednesdays:

What I'm reading now: I'm moving pretty quickly through A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, which right now involves a mysterious manuscript, the Bodleian Library, witches and vampires (with daemons thrown in). The book is taking its time, which is fine by me, and it's obvious that it's the author's first novel, but I'm looking forward to solving the mystery of the manuscript in a library -- one of my favorite literary conceits. Meanwhile, I'm listening to The History of Love by Nicole Krauss on my MP3 player, and I'm picking at a couple of books -- Losing Graceland (more of a novella), The Tragedy of Arthur (another promising mysterious manuscript metanarrative by Arthur Phillips) and Ghost Light.

What I finished reading: I recently finished reading The Quality of Life Report by Meghan Daum and The Metropolis Case by Matthew Gallaway.

What I want to read next: Once I finish Witches, I want to read the three books mentioned above, as well as a YA SF novel called Across the Universe. Or I'll start on my list of books to read on my shelf list.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

The first book on your list sounds interesting. I like the idea of finding the manuscript - intriguing.

Here's mine My Bookshelf.