Monday, April 9, 2012

It's Monday: What am I reading?

This is a summary of the books I've read in the past two weeks, with links for the reviews, for the It's Monday blog meme. I'll also list books I'm reading right now:


Kingdom Come by J.G. Ballard
The Yiddish Policeman's Union by Michael Chabon
The Troupe by Robert Jackson Bennett
The Sisters Brothers by Patrick de Witt (unreviewed as of yet)
The Sugar Frosted Nutsack by Mark Leyner

What I'm reading now:

Some Hope by Edward St. Aubyn: Certainly the wittiest and funniest account of child abuse and drug addiction that I've read, or in this case, listened to. St. Aubyn is a fantastic stylist, and he makes the horrific plumbing of drug addiction accessible even to the most squeamish of people, particularly me.

Brendan by Frederick Buechner: The story of a saint, told by a novelist and minister.

Domestic Violets by Matthew Norman: I've been trying to finish this for a long time; now that I'm on a reading binge, I will.

Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter: I picked this one out of the Amazon Vine program, so I'll read it this month and review it on the site.


Kristin said...

I'm not familiar with any of your books this week, but I hope you enjoy them!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Domestic Violets is on my wish list...hope you enjoy your reads!


Lindsey said...

The Yiddish Policeman's Union was my first Chabon novel. He is a great writer!