Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Book blogging revival for 2014

I'm returning to book blogging for 2014. I plan to join several challenges, most importantly the TBR pile and the Chunkster challenge to reduce the pile of books by my bed. Here are the challenges:

European Reading Challenges: Five novels set in five different European countries and by five different European authors. I may have to wait until my TBR pile reduces, but I should be able to do this by the end of the year. http://www.rosecityreader.com/p/2014-european-reading-challenge.html

Chunkster challenge: I plan to read six books of 450 or more pages in 2014. I have several TBR titles that will fit this bill. http://chunksterchallenge.blogspot.com/

52 Books in 52 Weeks: This one should be doable, as in my best years I've read more than 60 books. http://www.read52booksin52weeks.com/

TBR Challenges: I'm going to do two. For the first one, I will include books published in 2013 and earlier according to the rules of the Bookish challenge.  http://evie-bookish.blogspot.com/2013/10/2014-tbr-pile-reading-challenge-sign-ups.html

Then I'm going to create an older 13-book TBR list for the Roof Beam Reader challenge. http://evie-bookish.blogspot.com/2013/10/2014-tbr-pile-reading-challenge-sign-ups.html

Book to Broadway challenge: I will read a book that formed the basis for a musical, then see or listen to that musical. I might try The Once and Future King and Camelot, or the book upon which A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder is based. http://debzbookshelf.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-book-to-broadway-challenge.html

Back to Classics challenge: I like category challenges, and this one presents six that I should be able to pull off after I finish the most recent books in my TBR challenge. http://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.com/2013/12/announcing-back-to-classics-challenge.html

What's in a name challenge: Six odd categories by title; why not? http://wormhole.carnelianvalley.com/whats-in-a-name-2014-sign-up-post/

I may add some later. 


Karen K. said...

Thanks for signing up for the Back to the Classics Challenge!

Charlie (The Worm Hole) said...

Hope you like What's in a Name, Richard! I have to agree the categories are odd, but hopefully fun, too.

Joy said...

Good luck! I'll be joining you for What's In a Name and the Chunkster Challenge.